Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Without PR, what would we wear?

Not one person in the world does not follow fashion or take part in it somehow. Regardless of how many people say they are unique and do not follow trends, they have taken some part in the industry unless they are nudists. Every person who purchases clothing, makes a decision based on another decision that someone working in the industry made. Fashion trickles down to even those who don't purchase clothing because they got the clothing from someone who took the time to decide on the purchase.

Public Relations is an extremely important aspect of the fashion industry because it is what causes all the consumers to buy clothing. Practitioners who work in this industry can do a variety of tasks. Working at an agency  promoting several fashion labels and designers or work at a fashion house doing their in-house PR. In each area there are many jobs that need to be done in order to successfully promote a brand. Tasks range anywhere from recruiting famous models to wear the clothing to stalking magazines and social media websites to see what celebrity wore which designer. Either way, fashion is very closely linked to the communication world because it uses majority of the mediums practitioners in every field use to do their jobs.

Personally, I have experienced fashion PR firsthand and realized how much work it takes to make a brand big. It also requires a lot of research to be successful. Two summers ago I interned at the Cole Haan Design Studio in NYC. The public relations team often recruited me to help them with projects and organize the closets at the office. A typical day consisted of the team calling stylists to promote our accessories and shoes for celebrities to wear to events. After they agreed, we would contact publicists and photographers to attend these events and photograph the celebrities wearing our brand. Following, we would have to call magazines and different social media outlets to display these pictures to the public so that the consumers would follow trends and their favorite celebrities and purchase these items. We used research to find the appropriate media outlets, contact people, and the right celebrities to promote our brand to the correct demographics. This industry uses public relations in a very important way and makes sure to use all techniques to make the job successful. 

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