Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do they know you're there?

This week we are discussing unobtrusive research. For those of you who don't know what it is (don't worry I didn't either before this class), it is learning about a subject through research methods where the subject is not aware it is being researched. The most common method through which this can be achieved is observation. Observing others can be very interesting because it teaches you about how people act in their own element. In the fashion world, observation is the most important component.

For example, fashion is observed every single day. When someone walks by you, you look at what they are wearing whether you admire it or question why in the world they own it. Observation is the way that designers get noticed and make money. A new designer who doesn't have connections or a way to promote themselves will give their clothes to people to create publicity. These people will walk around hoping someone stops them to ask them where they got their clothes. This is a very important element of fashion.

Observation for unobtrusive research is a different kind of observation however. In the fashion world this means looking up your designer and looking at their line without them knowing. This can mean looking at the look books, websites, magazines, celebrity outfits, and fashion shows. The most important and meaningful observation method for a designer is fashion shows. All year designers work on their lines for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. This week is the most important week because it showcases their new looks, new inspirations, and new ideas that are unique and beautiful. The most important people attend these fashion shows and make or break a designer's career. Editors of magazines, celebrities, and fashionistas from all over the world fly to these fashion shows to learn new trends. Fashion designers know that these famous people are attending but what about every one else? These are the followers conducting unobtrusive research. Although it is very exclusive and difficult to get tickets, students and followers from all over do everything in their power to work the shows or attend the shows or stand outside to catch a glimpse. These fellow fashion stylists go to these shows to learn about their favorite designer's new ideas and try to recreate them. This kind of research is so important because it makes the designers more well-known in different demographic groups.

After learning about unobtrusive research, I realized I do it everyday. I constantly study people without them being aware. Whether I'm admiring a jacket or criticizing the way they speak, I am already a very developed researcher!

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